Friday 20 June 2014

Nuclear abberations

The Stars Under My Control by dkim on Etsy

The inkling between dusk and night,when the flowers all look too pretty not to be painted fiction against the sky?
The death of the beat in a song,before it hits a high that reverberates?
The instant after you put your pen down in a paper and look at your destiny staring back at you,frozen for that second?
That's what you live for.
It's crazy how the most beautiful things don't take credit for their beauty.Hah,they don't even realise they're being created in a moment of pure inspiration,bright flashes and innocent effort.Unaware that they will ever resemble the grandeur of what would be termed art.
And why,irony is the wallpaper theme in the room of uncertainity.Yes,irony is a metaphor of life.
This,that,everything is iconic as John Huges 80's teen movies that came of age-All you believe is in a metaphor.

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