Monday 14 July 2014

Corrugated ambition

"Who do you want to be when you grow up?" is one of the most recurring and significant question every child is asked.Sometimes,this question is posed even before one has learnt to spell their name correctly.
Sometimes,I don't know why it's even asked-the older you grow,the more they try to make you conform to the adjectives they find suitable,why even bother trying to let us learn and derive our own definitions of ourselves?
The chances of beating the system are bleak,you either suck up,succumb or survive.How you manage or don't matters not much.
Would you really blame people for believing in a subculture,then? Or creating one to make an abode out of?
It's ironic to be learning about stereotypes and then learning to label people .They claim it's moral education,what seems to be hypocrisy.It's a free country,why can't I choose what I believe,what I want to read,how I see.
Is this really an education? What about compassion and empathy and forgiveness,about being considerate?
About the freedom to feel,space to be,the power of dreams,liberty? Fear and humiliation can only coerce me to foster hate,hostility and incurable cynicism,not develop a passion for perfection.The frivilous little things you term my ethical misconduct is probably irrelevant in the grand scheme of things,maybe all I'm learning is that being fake and phony gets you by.There is but little space for genuine curiosity.
The problem is that we live to please,it's that you teach to be politically correct instead of  integral concern.
Now,teach me step by step,how to be a lady.Really?Patronsing,I'm not sure,is a sureshot technique.
All the test papers with verbatim answers, they lie,we fail,we fail everyday as the lies fall through efficiently.The education system fails me,as I begin to critically appreciate and analyse it as a poem.
It's all word vomit,memorised mediocrity,such a pity.I roll my eyes,the same way most do when I tell them what I'd like to pursue.

Let me rephrase the question for all the adults who've ever asked me,they've been posing it wrong-
"What kind of a world do you want to help create?"
New Whimsical and Colorful Murals by Seth Globepainter - My Modern Metropolis

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