Tuesday 11 March 2014

Hope for the hopeless,love of the loveless.

Steampunk Tendencies | Eric Fan http://on.fb.me/V0gF3K | via Facebook
Waking up with eyes too swollen with unfinished sleep.
Crescents of dreams,swirly, ribbon-like,honey at the edge of teaspoon,dissolving completely into liquid consciousness.
Waking up.Eyes fixed on the little mirrored disco ball dangling at the edge of the curtain rod.Between the reflections of nothing and everything,daylight dangled too.Pouring  in,spilling,a not-so-thrilling new day.
Caught in cages by the ceiling fan,sunshine casts little dappled shadows on the floor,splattered coins of light,whirling.
Photons.Little packets of energy.The speed of light.And me.
Waking up a little more,as I watch clouds of steam,ghost vapor arms strangulate the still air,rising,rising from a cup.
Late nights.Unkempt dreams.Shallow introspection.
I want to be her.I want to be she.I want to be somebody I cannot be.I want to be-
Voice too sore before I can utter "me."
Blood is thicker than water? But love is thickest of all.A thicket of wild weed that can only be uprooted to grow back again.Like skin over an old scab.Healing,peeling,old scab.
And I will want to tear the walls down with my nails and pull my hair apart in splits,
but there is,a truth not so unsettling as every other assurance.
There is hope for us.And there might be love unknown too.
Lets pretend to stumble upon it,pretend we always knew..
The" truth".