Saturday 30 August 2014

Damsels of youth

The night only grows younger by the hour,
Younger,even,that we are.
Times like these,
are the youngest we'll ever be.

Moments as new and naive as a daydream,
Dreams as swift as the breeze,
The brightness in your chest you feel,
Surreal seems the glossier side of reality.

Feathery and fertile feelings,as you look up,
blossom into full bloom like night beings,
the stars,they were never enough,
you had to know that the sky was yours for keeps.
Paint a bird ♥


  1. "Times like these,
    are the youngest we'll ever be."

    I love that! Hope you don't mind if I share it elsewhere.. I'll say it was from a wise blogger :)

  2. No,I'll be honoured and humbled :') Thankyou so,so much.Glad you like reading it!
