All over again,I'll scrawl the wrong dates into notebook margins and remember the wrong month of the year.
I can't decide if that's special,if it needs celebrating.
Because I'm sitting here,under the yellow terrace light,waving goodbye to my friend on her terrace,and bidding adieu to the year,ending with the last sparks of life in the sky-silver,green,golden.
And I'm all alone,romancing the sky,wanting to slow dance to this one song,or even any of the loud ones blaring from New Year parties,the shouts and the screams,the countdowns,All the same song of happiness,a song I don't know the lyrics to yet.
It's more like I'm holding onto these moments like photographs and they're merging and fading and looking beautiful and dissolving,melting into my mind, all at once.So,so sublime.
I can't decide if that's special,if it needs celebrating.
Because I'm sitting here,under the yellow terrace light,waving goodbye to my friend on her terrace,and bidding adieu to the year,ending with the last sparks of life in the sky-silver,green,golden.
And I'm all alone,romancing the sky,wanting to slow dance to this one song,or even any of the loud ones blaring from New Year parties,the shouts and the screams,the countdowns,All the same song of happiness,a song I don't know the lyrics to yet.
It's more like I'm holding onto these moments like photographs and they're merging and fading and looking beautiful and dissolving,melting into my mind, all at once.So,so sublime.
And I am holding on so tight and still letting go
The words,the words.No words.
Moments.Silence.smiles.sunshine.The cold inside my chest,the slight emptiness before the blinding brightness.

The music dies out..
And it's just the quiet of the newest night,
The stillness of hope,
The silence of opportunity,
The darkness of these moments & me.
Its true!!! Its bliss, more than happiness. Some unseen and unfelt bliss :D