There's this one particular quote in The Perks Of Being a Wallflower,that talks of how Zen is sorta like feeling a part of the elements of nature on pretty days.
And I don't know why but that makes me wonder why most of us center our universe around the deficiencies of it.
I know,I know-It's human nature,but on days like this-A patch of grass tickled by the warmth a of sunny patch is so much more than enough.
The hour of day is a shifting illusion,just as the margins of incandescent skin,translucent golden like butter over a pan.
Butterflies and dried leaves blown to their fate by the wind-gentleness in its strength.A cup of tea,nestled like a welcoming hug to lips tired of words.
The sky too brightened by the love of the Sun,to be even glanced at with squinted eyes.
All I know is I feel Beautiful,at it's best and someday I'll find someone to feel it with me.

And I don't know why but that makes me wonder why most of us center our universe around the deficiencies of it.
I know,I know-It's human nature,but on days like this-A patch of grass tickled by the warmth a of sunny patch is so much more than enough.
The hour of day is a shifting illusion,just as the margins of incandescent skin,translucent golden like butter over a pan.
Butterflies and dried leaves blown to their fate by the wind-gentleness in its strength.A cup of tea,nestled like a welcoming hug to lips tired of words.
The sky too brightened by the love of the Sun,to be even glanced at with squinted eyes.
All I know is I feel Beautiful,at it's best and someday I'll find someone to feel it with me.
You ought to feel beautiful, because you are.:)