Saturday, 25 May 2013

All roads lead home.

Photography - Minus
I sit on a rusted swing.
Bare branched trees and Gulmohars in full bloom are my only company.Isolated playgrounds are the happiest places ever,aren't they?
I'm talking to myself,again.I did that a lot as a child.People living in my head.
I look down to see the Earth tinted pink and brown by fallen,dirt-kissed petals.
The Sun is blinding,It's the prime of summer.Even my thoughts blur along the edges.
It's then,that I decide to walk homeward.The sentry asks me how far down the path did I manage to walk.
I just shrug,because I don't see the need to answer.He sneers at me..I don't expect any different from someone who probably thinks I'm running away.
The way home,is long..and midway,I slow down and shut my eyes,tight.Breathing in the smell of cigarette smoke and  what I presume is the smell of sunlight, it's slightly burning the browning grass at its edges.And there's the familiar fragrance of the overheated Earth being watered,cooling it down..replacing the pampering rain.Who will cool me down? Help keep my calm?
I open my eyes to see street children on makeshift tree swings,they look like he happiest children
I've ever come across.Another set of them play a game with soft-drink bottle crowns,a game of their own invention.
I'm finally at the last length,the slope up home.As usual,it's the most taxing.My pace grows slower,and my gaze shifts skywards.It seems to be diminishing backwards,the farther up I illusion of distance.It reminds me a childhood game I often played alone,when on evenings in my old apartment balcony I'd move ahead and recede,to see the sky change size.It was a fascinating passtime.
I can feel the thing pink slivers on my face form the shape of a smile.The world feels like a safe place.

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