Yes,People suck.they all do.
And It's ironic that lazy,sluggish creatures like Humans should be blessed with so well developed a know?
The poor thing works overtime,to keep us pumping and alive.
It beats once every 0.8 second,to make sure it races to have more heartbeats than there are number of seconds in minutes!
Yes,Sir,that's how much it takes to have a normal heart rate at all.
Even when it relaxes,it's making up plans for getting back into action soon.
We use adjectives such as broken,and foolish for this highly underrated,effective MUSCLE(!) which can not only be never broken,but also almost impossible to deter.
I mean,cut the poor thing some slack already! It pumps and ticks like crazy whenever your dear brain tells it that you're having an emotional outburst,an adrenaline rush...making it work more than overtime.
Yes,your heart can handle more than you will ever be aware of.
You know,now the phrase "work with all your heart" makes more sense to me.
And as my Biology teacher once said "Imagine our fate,if the coronary artery decided to say hello only to certain parts of our hearts."
That's just a euphemism for WE'D ALL DIE!
I know,y'all probably think this is just an excuse of a post for me to show off about my Biology basics,but,Nah.
Okay,fine.I am showing off,a little.Deal with it,now.
My posts are on the heart-y side these days.
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