Sunday, 2 December 2012

It's been an extremely long week,but a very short year.

Goodbyes have always been difficult.
Words turn into formless lumps inside throats,and the teary eyes speak loud enough.
And I watched people breathing in the fact that this was the end,
that what seemed like it was meant to last forever,was coming to a crashing end in moments before their eyes.
They danced wildly and the held each other tight.
And there were fireworks.
And they cried,and they cried,and cried some more.


  1. Shamelessly, I must say I was happy to leave school...of course I do have sudden spurts of nostalgia but nothing like your post!

  2. Haha,it's okay,I don't think I'd miss school much either.
    I'm not someone who's having it great in higschool.
    The post only talks of how I saw the others react to it,really.
