Wednesday, 9 May 2012

And Let there be Light.

People Die.It's inevitable.
But I really wonder what happens to them thereafter?
* That's so 11 years old*
Yes,you're right.Someone I used to know died.
But I'm not devastated.
I'm just smiling at all the good times.
I used to sit on the kitchen slab,while he cooked and sang.
And He used to narrate stories lying down,drenched in the sunny afternoon,right at the door of the balcony.
I was really little back then.Too little,now that I think of it.
And now I wonder what happens to him?

Does he see darkness?The end of the light of life?
Just Darkness?
I hope not.
I hope there will be a lot of this electric wave of bright white,blinding light.
and this light would beat out all the darkness that is death.
that's how I want to imagine it,really.
I know I talk like I'm five years old sometimes.
But I've always been intimidated by darkness.Always.
More so,I feared what lay in the darkness that might harm me.
And sometimes,I still do.
Monsters?Ninjas?Dinosaurs?Banshees?El Diablo,himself?
It's just that quality of darkness,you know.
the blackness that blocks out everything in sight.
that blind feeling.
the sharp silence.

So,I say "Let there be light."

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