Saturday, 30 June 2012

Lessons in Biology and other insightful things.

Fine pink threads.
In fine little clusters.
you'd say they were lace.
little bursts of them.
Like Cherry Blossoms.
Timeless Beauty.
A Bacterial cell.

This is the first slide of the few.
An hour of looking at these pretty creatures,
These dangerous,beautiful,life taking organisms.
Could I ask for any better?

They're beauty is unicellular,
yet,no less complex.
their beauty is in the minute
but suave nature
of their very existance.


They are beyond my comprehension.
and So,they fascinate me.
Like all other strangely beautiful things do.


Shit I do when I have no one to talk to at school.

Yeah,I write.Here's some of it.

They all come,
they all go,
Life is but a Show.

They bring smiles,
they leave tears,
Oh,the highs and lows.

It's all starts with an act,
and whose best at it ,
who  really cares about the rest of it?

Yes,Masked emotions,
Perfect deceptions,
unsure intentions.

So,we move on form act to act,
scene to scene,
It all gets bleak.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

The other side of the classroom.

Today,I realised I've never been to the other side of the classroom.
No,we don't have a huge classroom.
It's pretty small-ish,infact.because there are only a few of us.
I never needed to go there,so I haven't.
This time I was in the library this week,I borrowed this book.
The Librarian looked at me like I had a terminal illness,when I handed over the book I wanted to borrow.
Librarian : "This is a very,very depressing book."
Me :"Uh....."
L : Are you sure you want it?
Me : ....................
L : Ah,okay.take it if you want to read it so badly.

A while later,she looked down,with rather sad eyes.
Her gaze fixed at nothing in particular for a while.

In all these years of sitting in the library,I'd never really paid attention to her.
she was just a part of the surrounding.there.
For some strange reason,it din't feel like that anymore,
She was still a stranger.
But I looked at her differently.
She had a story.Unknown.
but I could still read her sadness.
and somewhere between the bookshelfs and screaming at the kids,
she was a broken soul,waiting to be fixed.

Sunday, 10 June 2012


 Here's something I found on the's here because I think it sounds Beautiful.

She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by-
And never knew.”
As I looked at the subtly shimmering midnight skyline,I wondered why we all wear masks.
Masks that hide our stories...the scars of our past.
Masks...behind which we hide,not because we fear,but because that's the only way to run away from ourselves.
We're all just putting up a behaviour ..An image.Of being nice.Flawless.
Being Somebody.
There are no perfect people.No perfect families.
But these masks that we all paint,Yes,these beautiful masks of happiness and mystery.
They decieve,They fool.
and we're all lost in a sea of them.
Dear Invisible readers,I'm sorry for being so depressing?I've got a lot on my mind lately,and I got to take it off somewhere.


Thursday, 7 June 2012

New Beginnings.

Summer's at its end.
It was truly Beautiful,my summer.
But Now I have to make a new beginning.
Something I'm not so great at.I've always been a little on the Introverted side,Eh?
(*Read till here with a  British accent* xD)
I'm bad with people.It takes me centuries to get along with them.I'm shy , reserved,and very Observant and Judgemental,sometimes.not in the bad way.I choose to get fascinated by certain people,only.
I've always been very Insecure about walking into a classroom full of faces I don't know.It makes me want to run away and hide.
For some reason,new people intimidate me.A LOT.
New People scare the shit out of me!
Even when I was little,I did not need friends.I was one composed,calm kid.
Infact,I had imaginary friends.
No,no.I'm NOT an only Child either!
I only wish I could socialise Better.Sigh*